· لeyTee · (jeytee.reichmann)
Resident Since: 2008-04-01 (16 years, 10 months ago)
My Links [https://linktr.ee/jeytee_photography Link Tree] ❤ 🖤
CEO/COO Owner and builder from the SIM [https://t1p.de/asvlv The IMPERIA Gentlemens Club]
The mansion and meeting Point for gentlemen and ladies who love D/S and Submissive roleplay. / BDSM
A hole sim full with the best sex equipment in SL. Have a look !
Win Money from my Money Giver every 15 min. AFK NOT ALOWED
RL Beauty & Model Photographer look [https://t.ly/zCe1z HERE]
🧸 slt+9 (GER) GenX - Hetero ♥ I'm ♂ who loves ♀
☑️ Deutsch ☑️ English ☑️ Voice ☑ Single
I am authentic, honest, respectful, fun, enthusiastic and
open to new friendships.
Former owner of 8 Sims. Fantastic Island (who remembers it?),
Casino Sims, Shopping Mall and Music Clubs like Core Club and
True Love Club. || 🎶🎵 || The focus is on having fun !
I love listening to music and making music.
Breeding Amaretto horses and roleplaying (dom/sub) in both lives.
Ignorant people
Stand with Ukraine!
Haters gonna hate.
Potatoes gonna potate.

Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/fba2fc10-1b63-46dd-b552-f97262a2dc75