Dodgeman DeCuir
Resident Since: 2007-06-24 (17 years, 8 months ago)
Owner of {Twisted Embrace} [ Marketplace] , [ Flickr] , [ PrimFeed] , [ Inworld].
[ Last release]
Co Owner of Fragile Lounge: [ Inworld].
If you see me around, I'm probably looking for inspiration or relaxing listening to some music.
I am also djing in SecondLife: [ PrimFeed],
[ Visit my MixCloud] or listen to my [ Latest Mix].
Do you want to follow me around?
[secondlife:///app/group/bb5da8f7-fd5e-739e-0b42-a5013012b708/about/ Click here to follow me around]
My one & only: [secondlife:///app/agent/654e0691-fead-45e8-a5ef-48e8f437d180/inspect/ Mhor].
Cleaning Friend List: "if we are not speaking, not meeting, not doing anything in weeks, months, years, then there is no need to be in my friend list nor your. But in all honesty, i ve got absolutely nothing against you, we just don't stick together, so don't take it personnal."

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