- ̗̀ღYumღ ̖́- (yum.suki)
Resident Since: 2018-10-23 (6 years, 3 months ago)
Who let the nekos out ! meow meow meow meow !
Ice cream addict!! be careful or you'll have your ice cream stolen if i ever lay my eyes on it!.
Down Down let me down down down down!
"The worst thing in the world isn't being alone it's being surrounded by the people who make you feel alone."
![profile image](https://picture-service.secondlife.com/f0c9fcb4-ef29-cece-c648-cc26b7385b48/256x192.jpg)
Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/e50ccd95-a3ab-445d-8cd0-f20be0e64b2d