Athena Melchizedek (jath.andel)

Resident Since: 2008-09-18 (16 years, 5 months ago)

Hi! I'm Athena. If you're here and take away anything from reading my profile, know that you are loved.

I love to be a poni, poniponiponi.

Pega Superiority

40k appreciator

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Raven Raiders I was a part of the Raven Raiders once, they were very cool. More More
TCG I was once a part of the TCG Military, I will always miss them. More More
About Me Hi! I'm Athena-el, a Lightknight of Kindness. I am a Seeker, Empath, Intuitive, White Magick Practitioner, Aspiring White Witch, Lightworker. I am love, I am light. I am. You are. Love is everything. Everything is one. Pegasus are fireproof, you cannot dissuade me of this undeniable fact. I love everything, let me love what you love! All abides the infinite creation. The Infinite Creator, Intelligent Infinite, or God as you know them, is all that is. Including you, and me. Everything is conciousness, everything is alive. Rejoice, for it is pure love, expressed as light. "I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the More More
Dungeon Master I am a Professional Dungeon Master/Storyteller for hire. I will run D&D games in and outside of Second Life. I primarily prefer to run my games through FoundryVTT, but I can make do with other platforms as well. More More
Athena's RP I try to host spontanious RP's, I love RP <3 More More
Athena's Goa'uld Empire A Shadow Empire operating under the veil of Equestria. Led by the Infamous Goa'uld Athena. Rumors say that the Organization is not one of evil or dominance but is rather a force of good, who's goal is to achieve peace, defend equestria, and revive the dead goa'uld race. Athena's Jaffa serve as a type of Paladin in this world; defending it as paragons against all things evil. Their speciality is in the defense of equestria from those things originating from space, including other goa'uld. They heavily ultilize Stargates and occasionally one of the few surviving Ha'taks, dubbed Celestis, Flagship of Athena. Join today and become a Paladin of Athena, defender of equestria, striking from the shadows, and raining judgement against the evil forces from this world and all others. More More

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