Cougar (cougar.sangria)

Resident Since: 2010-06-23 (14 years, 8 months ago)

There is a lot to read here in my profile. Take it up with Linden Labs. They gave me the space, and I'm not one waste anything.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to circumstances not of my making, I hold a beast, a bitch, an angel, and a lady in me. It's your choice which one you meet. May the odds be ever in your favor.

My Second Life is spent, digging in pixel dirt, landscaping/decorating my region, blogging when the mood strikes me, shopping of course, making up a myriad of outfits for my avatar, exploring other regions, and most importantly spending time with my husband Grey. Oh! And music! I must have music!

I believe in being kind to all, and I value loyalty above all else, but, if you piss me off by betraying me, take advantage of me, do some shady shit, or come at me with some percieved grievance on your part, kind is not what you will get. I can and will cut off all roads to my life here and won't think twice about it. The mute/block/derender buttons are my best friend. After fifteen years I seek peace in my SL.

Straightens my crown and smiles.

Now that we have that out of the way, I've been told I have wicked sense of humor, lol, so this spot right here is reserved for jikes(You had to be there), and anything that stikes my fancy. I will change this when the mood strikes me. I hope it brightens your day. ENJOY!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following has been in my profile since I rezzed into this world. Core values that serve me well. Just don't push the wrong button.

O' GREAT SPIRIT, help me always to speak the truth quietly, to listen with an open mind when others speak, and to remember the peace that may be found in silence~Cherokee Prayer

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice~White Elk

Never explain. Your friends do not need it and your enemies will never believe it~E. Hubbard <<< READ THIS AGAIN

When God shows you it's time to let someone go and you refuse to, he will allow the person to hurt you to the point you have no choice but to let go.

Whatever you hear about me, please believe it. I no longer have time to explain myself. You can also add some if you want. Just remember there are three sides to every story, her's, his, and the screenshots.

I do not worry anymore about the people GOD removed from my life. He heard conversations I didn't, saw things I couldn't, made moves I wouldn't, and showed me things I would not have believed.

Not everyone gets the same version of me, whether in this virtual world or first. One person might tell you that I am an amazing, beautiful soul. Another person will say I am a cold-hearted bitch. Believe them both, I act accordingly.

People always talk about how important it is to forgive others for how they hurt you, and how that's what will give you peace, but I don't agree with that.
The most important person you need to forgive is yourself. Once you forgive yourself for allowing another to treat you in a way you don't deserve to be treated, once you forgive youself for giving too many chances, once you forgive youself for being foolish enough to justify the lies, and once you forgive yourself for not leaving sooner, you will find peace.

This year, 2025, I am going to focus on myself. I've done enough for the ungrateful.

I've also learned to stop being so fucking forgiving. People know exactly what the fuck they are doing.

Letting someone create a false narrative of you is a small price to pay having rid yourself of toxicity. Let them say what they want, your life will flourish and their lies will rot theirs.

To all you 'Mother Fuckers' out there holding your breath waiting for me to fail...You can suffocate.

There is one thing you must realize...ONE THING you must understand. I cannot be broken. I will not go down. Even when you think I have. Even if it appears I did. I will pick myself up over and over again, dust my ass off and move on. I will be stronger for it...For, I am a survivor. I WILL ALWAYS STAND MY GROUND AND RISE. YOU will not defeat me.


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