Baroness Pauline (xopaulineox)

Resident Since: 2023-04-19 (1 year, 11 months ago)

Baroness Pauline von Hardenburg

From time to time she leaves the safe walls of her "Hardenburg" castle to start her journey. Always looking for new countries, unknown people and all kind of adventures. At the end of the day, in the glow of a warming fire, she tells her friends about her travels.

German girl!

Check my feed, to get some more information about my life in SL.

### Besuche meinen DFS-Wein Laden / My DFS Winery :###

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A virtual tour to Hardenburg Castle:

### WISHLIST ###
If you wanna buy me a gift, that's awesome. But tell me if you do, because it will get not noticed if you don't say something.
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