Duk Onyx
Resident Since: 2010-10-03 (14 years, 5 months ago)
Owner • Manhood | duk. | Strunsh |
• Please do not IM me and just say "hi". Elaborate.
• Discord: dukonyx
• Mail: dukonyx@gmail.com
If you are looking for customer support, message [secondlife:///app/agent/ac1caaa9-5417-4e94-a5e5-2f030f37bae8/about DukStore]. I will be online every day to resolve all customer issues. Please don't be rude, or I won't respond.
• [DUK] [https://linktr.ee/dukstoresl Useful Links]

Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/aad01355-f609-4526-9365-9c20e0c6897b