Sekz (sebastyne.alpha)

Resident Since: 2019-06-02 (5 years, 9 months ago)

I am cheerfully mixing real life with Second Life whenever I can.


"Never mind what the other bitch said!"

Now, you have a chance to understand a woman, which is more than you knew a second ago.

=====*** COMMITMENT OBSESSION ***======

Commitment obsession is just a disguise for an attachment disorder. The fear of not being good enough for a relationship, so you replace the need to be good enough or the right one with a white-knuckle commitment from day one so you'll never actually have to truly face anybody.

=====*** DRAMA ***======

Drama is for people who don't have a connection to real emotions.

Go away if you only have female friends on your list. (I only have men.)

=====*** THE REAL TRANSPHOBIA ***======

The fear of disagreeing with a transperson and winding up cancelled.

=====*** SECOND LIFE (RELATIONSHIPS) ***======

Is the pig I like to wrestle.

I want whatever will work for me on SL to be transferrable to reality, hence realistic avis etc. That is to say if you're too married to have a fling if I happened to travel to your city.... I'm not saying I travel, I'm saying maybe I will. ;p I'm saying I'm not using my avi as a shield.

I am here for it. You're not intruding. ;p (But I am unicorn hunting.)

=====*** NICE AND HOT ***======

I'm nice and real hot. All rumors to the contrary are completely false.

=====*** ALSO ***======

49, single, polyandrous, straight. I like straight and bisexual masculine, smart (I mean genius), good-looking men who are young enough to still have a pulse.

I like "man-splainers" (they teach you stuff!), cis, smarty-pant men who like to over think, dig around in emotions and feelings, analyse people, relationships, and situations. I like relationship-over-thinkers, lol.

=====*** MAN's SEX EGO ***======

Sex is simple. It's very simple. I don't like to over-complicate stuff; rats know how to do sex. I submit to a man who understands he's no better than a horny dog. Pretend you're better than that and I'll prove you wrong.

=====*** BDSM and SUBMISSION ***======

I like men in control, but I am very bossy. I am quite tired of out-bolding my supposed dommies and having to pull my head in just to let the "big man" pretend to be my superior. I'd rather you fist me down than having to pretend to fucking respect you. Hence all of my toys are on auto-accept, but most men are not bold enough to use them.

On that note, I find tthe culture of BDSM a bit... Tiring. I see it as yet another shield, a construct within which the sexually oppressed release themselves hanging onto their ego of "sophistication" when they're truly nothing but animals. Therefore... I shouldn't be on a BDSM sim, but I often am... Hoping to find an honest animal for I do like pain of being a human female.

Slap emotionally, not strategically.

=====*** NO LISENCE, WILL ANALYSE ***======

Oddly, I'm not a psychologist, but I am a life coach, an unlisenced thinker of people. I will analyse people and relationship situations until the cows come home, any time, anywhere, just say the word -- and make me stop when you had enough. :D

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