Miriam Chung

Resident Since: 2010-12-14 (13 years, 10 months ago)

Hi, I'm the owner of Miriam Chung Estates, a division of Anshe Chung sims.

Available rentals:
☑ Homesteads - 6299 L$/Week
☑ Full Sims-
20,000 prims 13499 L$/Week
30,000 prims 15299 L$/Week

Other available rentals:
Visit my office: https://secondlife.com/destination/miriam-chung-estates

How to rent my land? Please see my 1st life tab.
You may IM me directly for assistance.

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Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/9cc46bdd-7a82-4c99-8f4b-10ac27d6a229