‧- Nefastia -‧ (nefastiavindicariakexa)
Resident Since: 2020-04-03 (4 years, 11 months ago)
I play tunes in Second Life and always are supported by Pilopé as my Host.See our schedule below.
Expect mostly Industrial / EBM / Dark Electro / Futurepop / Dark Clubbing and other electronic genres. I also play a bit of Metal, NDH,Punk,Ska too when it fits,though.And of course what else comes to my mind ;P
Tuesdays 11 AM SLT -> Batu Cave http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sinclair/174/219/1502
Thursdays 11 AM SLT -> ## Timewave City ## In a different club / location Pilo and i build at our Sim every Thursday.Every week kind of a theme party.
Check FB link below for preview pics for the upcoming club/location and party pictures of former parties there as well. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Vabel%20Set/36/201/23
Sundays 12 PM SLT -> SoundwavZ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lonely%20Mountain/42/191/30
Join secondlife:///app/group/ec4921ac-3029-b976-6453-ddb15a9f4c13/about or https://www.facebook.com/groups/timewaveclubs to stay up to date about all sets !
Check out https://hearthis.at/nefastia/ for some of my sets
Party! \Ö/

Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/93031d39-009b-4e73-bd68-1d2f61dd03ab