RedFire (robinleia)

Resident Since: 2014-07-02 (10 années, 3 mois ago)

People are just incredibily dumb. I don't follow the maga cult. You are mostly brain dead morons. I use the term 'mostly' very loosely.

If you want to follow a dear leader, get the fk out of the U.S. I prefer democracy.

I hope AI takes over the world and wipes you all out..along with Elon..

When I look back on old 'friends' I once had in here I think to I on drugs. Especially when I realize how stupid you really are. I can't believe I lowered myself. Just know that it makes me want to vomit now. I pity the fools they end up with next.

The question you might want to ask youself is WHY are you 'watching someone,' and WHY she is so much like me. JS

If a man cheats on his ex, he will also cheat on you. He is the problem, not the one he is with. It's his own lack of self worth that drives him to it. No matter how strong he may appear, he's just a weak little man. No matter how much he says he loves you, you are no different from the rest. Just be aware.

[ No Illusions Eclectic Marketplace-store]

[ Deviant Art]

<a href="">Flickr</a>

<a href="">Little Girl Gone</a>

To noobs:
There are a lot of damaged people here. Be careful who you trust.
My best advice is to watch from the sidelines before you jump in.
But that's me.
You do you.

I just hate all the lies. It's really sad that people need to hide their true selves in a place like this. Most still choose to be human. They lie, cheat, deceive, and laugh about it as they move on to the next. I feel sorry for them because they have no depth. I guess they keep chasing it because they can never be fulfilled.

I find the constant need to chase the next 'love' high odd and pathetic. Oh well. I guess we are all here for our own reasons.

You will never really know someone only from here. We all hide behind a figurative wall of our own design.

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