Scamp (sneakygobbo)
Resident Since: 2023-12-17 (1 year, 2 months ago)
Heya~! I'm gobbo. I'm a long term SL user whose come back after a very long hiatus. I love to RP, and I Love to write Erotica! Don't be afraid to toss me a DM if you see me! I'm always available for a chat!
I tend not to respond to voice, as I typically have it turned down or off entirely! Sorry if that causes an inconvenience!
Currently Looking for: Pony RP Sim! And Pony Friends
Currently Saving for: Popen Stuff! Gotta make more cute mares!
Note: If you see my avatar afk or sleeping somewhere, feel free to cuddle! Or do whatever! Its only a game after all. Just leave me a message after!

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