Miss Trish Crafton (oomissoootrishoo.nightingale)

Resident Since: 2023-04-14 (1Β year, 11Β months ago)

***Live Performer***Venue Owner***Married IRL***Happily partnered in SL to Kristoff Crafton 6/30/24***Partner Celebration Ceremony 9/3/24***

Bringing unique performances to audiences from all over the world, I perform with a passion for music and a talent for entertaining. My shows are a mix of country and pop covers, and even a touch of rock upon request, with something for everyone to enjoy. So come and join the fun and let me take you on a musical journey you'll never forget!

If you are interested in booking my shows please contact me and I will be more than happy to see what we can work out together!

See my picks for more information about the venues I perform at and the time and day I perform there!

πŸ‘‘[https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=b56de223ff4fe43b640c94a27832272eb5eda1eca2ce15059db0175b305d2894@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles My Calendar]πŸ‘‘

πŸ‘‘[https://soundcloud.com/misstrish-phoenix Miss Trish Soundcloud]πŸ‘‘

πŸ‘‘[https://www.facebook.com/MissTrishNightingale Miss Trish Facebook]πŸ‘‘

πŸ‘‘[secondlife:///app/group/1f0114d3-d31e-7f88-e1c3-769ee51e2ea6/about Join My Group here]πŸ‘‘

πŸ‘‘[https://www.misstrishnightingalecountry.com/miss-trish-nightingale-s-songlist Miss Trish Song List]πŸ‘‘

πŸ‘‘[https://www.misstrishnightingalecountry.com/ Miss Trish Website]πŸ‘‘

πŸ‘‘[http://www.slenquirer.com/2023/07/spotlight-feature-trish-nightengale-sls.html Miss Trish Spotlight Feature on SLEnquirer]πŸ‘‘

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