Mystique Desire

Resident Since: 2014-03-22 (10 years, 4 months ago)

Hello thanks for Stopping by!
I am a BeYou Player since a Long time, now a Proud Part of the BeYou Community The Commune!
I have met very very nice People there, Makes me happy that I stepped into this Sim one day :-)
Aside that I hunt Butterflies, I breed Plantpets, and I fish as well sometimes.

I like to be friendly, and aswell try to help people, I dislike a lot rude People , unfriendly people, or people that take everything for granted! A Big No Go!

So if you like to chat, i am always open for some talks.
Sometimes i even experience a sort of Sl Midlife crisis, where i ask myself what I am doing here.........

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