Simon Linden
Resident Since: 2007-07-11 (17 years, 8 months ago)
Hello! If you need SL help, press F1 to see the Knowledge Base. For a question about your account or inventory items, please use the online support at I am not able to help you.
If you would like my Linden Bear, they are now collectables as I'm no longer at Linden Lab.
I’ve really enjoyed this strange world and learned a lot both technically and socially.
Meeting and getting to know people has been wonderful. People make Second Life special. We Lindens do the coding but you make it come alive, and I really am fortunate to have met you on this strange journey. Thank you for being a part of it.
I am not abandoning SL, and will continue to enjoy the fun and music with my alt. I’m really excited about the future and know it’s going to be a good one.

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