ღOS2 Hollowheartღ (shenanigans)
Resident Since: 2011-01-19 (14 years ago)
[https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/189176 Marketplace store]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW_P2oNPDpU Public Relations and manager for 🐎HMART🐎], you can direct your questions at me! My artist name is OS2.
I do commissions for skins/textures/mesh whatever as well as make products for [HMART]. Lemme know if you want something.
Some HMART folks do not have Hollowheart in their name, not everyone with Hollowheart in their name is an HMART person. If you need clerfication please IM me.
I also run the HMART gaming section of things, that is to say in-world game experiences such as GTFO (get the freight out) and the ship battling navy game (HMART NAVY).
My avatar skins are made by me. If you want something I made, before you rip it you could just ask me for it. I'll most likely just give it to you.

Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/745e258e-0dff-4254-934f-f423ef2e3075