Kiff Clutterbuck

Resident Since: 2006-04-12 (18 years, 9 months ago)

Hi, I'm Kiff Clutterbuck, co-owner of Junkyard Blues with my partner, Richardina Petty (Dina). We will be celebrating the Junkyard's 19th Second Life birthday in June. Come by for a visit sometime and also take a peek at our multi-region, gulf coast themed estate. No ban lines anywhere. You might find a spot to call home.

I don't expect to ever find anyone who says this better: I hear the words with a sense of relief. I don't need to figure out my personal endings because it isn't possible.

"There is no complete life. There are only fragments. We are born to have nothing, to have it pour through our hands . . . In the end the self is left unfinished, it is abandoned because of the death of its owner. All the exceptional details, confessions, secrets, photographs of loved faces and sometimes more than faces, precious addresses, towns and hotels meant to be visited given the time, stories, sacred images, immortal lines, everything heaped up or gathered because it is intriguing or beautiful suddenly becomes superfluous, without value, the litter of decades swirls at one's feet."
James Salter, "Burning the Days"

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