Jane LegLock (westcat)
Resident Since: 2015-03-28 (9 years, 11 months ago)
Prefer NO IMs right now. Unless from ADMIN, i.e. Landlords etc. NO I am NOT available for wrestling matches. My Admin half Sister KAT will accomodate you. She is being upgraded to a Super BOT, and should be able to answer all your pertinant questions IN WORLD! Recently retired BUT, I AM Real BUSY right now working on my AV_BOT family of Wrestling Catfighting GG gals. Also going foreward with related animations for some brand new Pads that will work with both Bots and Avatars. All will include a third party voyeur controller. So your customer can control the action :) Jackson! :) To see what I mean about that, visit the beach wrasslin BiGirl Mesh Dolls right in front of our main entrance and the amazing StarGate. Our STAR GATE is a MUST SEE. Also working on video to show all we have at Vampisle. OH WARNING we now have security ORBS all over the place. Some areas that were once unrestricted access shall not require payment, but will require joining the FREE Group of WestGallery Also the Sim/VampIsle as a rule is not into Blood Lines, although very Vampire Friendly for obvious reasons. KAT is/was into blood Lines, which is a sore point between us and a great oppountunity for the two of us to put on little catfight shows with many of our Flower Promos at Fang Tastics. There will be three main groups going forward; 1-WestGallery - FREE, 2-Catfighters-currently FREE but in the future new members must be generous donors or long time friends and the BIGGY our 3-VAMPISLE for paying monthly members. to visit CatFightCity, where all out sell trained BOTS hang out. One Goo Cat Bot for one on one fun EVERY MONTH. and FOUR pairs with four fantasy areas. One show per month changing our each month. 30 minute daily viewer participation limit. Grand Opening set for Feb 11th 2025 With the Martini Komono Girls . Price approximately $1 US [~250L] per month to $12/year[3000L] In March, besides a Goo Gal every month for one o one planing a sleazy sl-t slum bar couch fight, with our new couch. NOTE we plan to add more animations with each repeat show every four months. .

Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/72fc35f6-623a-461e-9d35-4950d35ae81b