Nyx Nightwish
Resident Since: 2012-04-04 (12 years, 11 months ago)
[https://www.primfeed.com/wishstarchild Primfeed]
7wishes, 1313 questions, IM or send notecard if not online.
Store policy: I will not be responsible for items purchased without demoing, or for 'accidental' purchases. Always shop responsibly. In case of double purchase, please send a notecard for refund. 'Uprgrading' to a fatpack is considered a double purchase. MP purchases, contact me B4 you leave a review & I'll happily assist you. I do not provide customer service AFTER you've already given me a bad grade, that makes no sense.

Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/72cc6b0a-f42c-4471-a1bd-4661fbcfd84a