Guiniverre Despres Rembrandt (guiniverre.despres)

Resident Since: 2007-03-22 (18 years ago)

Owner of New Orleans by Night Roleplay Sim

I'm an Aries born close to midnight under a southern full moon. Aries are leaders, not followers. We are stubborn, free spirits, running into fields of poppies holding scissors in our hands, fearless! We are extremely passionate people, at least I am.

SL Worldwide Mentor
SL RP University
SLBirthday Exhibitor/Moderator/EA since 2008
other stuff. Show it don't brag it.

Crossroads was the first WOD/VTM Sim in SL started on a rooftop in 2006, the sim was built in 2007 and we are still at it.

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