Murdo Bade

Resident Since: 2007-02-05 (17 years, 8 months ago)

Property of the Janus Corp. - Institute of Robotics and Mechatronic - Department Bionics

May be operated by secondlife:///app/agent/8f293edb-c02a-4afa-8184-6afe221024bc/about

Technical Details
M-JNSiA/2300 54 X 48 - - R75iB - - 380-575 - 8 8/8 2 72.8 0-45 IP54/IP56 IP67 6 ± 0.18* 11000 330 160 165 720 240 720 20 14 14 18 18 40 29400/7500 29400/7500 8820/5500 R 1440 JNS-00107.

Invented and manufactured in Germany.

It's better to be disliked for who we are,
than to be liked for who we're not!

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