Scarlett Frost (mackalillan)

Resident Since: 2012-10-11 (12 years, 4 months ago)



Scarlett Frost. Traveler, adventurer, jeweler, enchanter...

Born and raised on a small coastal town, close to the Crystal Empire, which was founded as a trading outpost meant to serve as a halfway point through the harsh northern tundra.

The fact that her ancestors were pivotal pieces in the success of that initial expedition, and the subsequent development of the outpost into a small town meant that she hardly needed to struggle to get anything she could need, but the expectations set on her were equally high.

Despite an ambitious (And demanding) upbringing, Scarlett chose to take the reins of her own life, to take control of what she is meant to be and do.


(typically IC-ish but will often weave in and out between IC and OOC. IM's are the preferred method of RP.)



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