Faust (happylife.harmony)

Resident Since: 2007-06-18 (17 years, 2 months ago)

I have been immersing myself in the philosophy and science of wellbeing and attempting to apply it in my life since 2006. Sharing about this has become a part of my own sense of purpose. I created the acronym H.A.P.P.Y. L.I.F.E. to summarize the main domains of scholarship about human flourishing:

• [H]ealth - mental and physical.
• [A]esthetic experience - beholding natural and created beauty.
• [P]lay – creativity, the arts, games, sport, humor, and more...
• [P]leasure - an ingredient that positive emotions have in common.
• [Y]es-saying - choosing and living our core values (meaning/purpose).

• [L]ife - appreciating/enhancing the web of Life.
• [I]nformation - the goodness of knowledge and lifelong learning.
• [F]riendship - and the spectrum of positive social interaction.
• [E]ngagement - frequent absorption in Flow.

I started hosting a RL discussion group about human flourishing in 2011 and started one in SL in 2017. It currently meets on Saturday mornings at 6am. All are welcome! See picks.

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