Elise Banx
Resident Since: 2010-05-09 (14 years, 10 months ago)
Admin and New User Support in Ⓛondon City.
- I will help you if you have any questions about Second Life
- When I'm in London City please let me know if you need help with something about Second Life.
Sorry I do NOT answer questions about bans or kicks;
Please submit a Support Ticket for London City here: https://mainlandlondon.blogspot.co.uk/p/support-ticket.html
Questions about the Genesis Viewer? Please ask in their group if you have problems
- Please NO random TPs or group join spam or friend requests...
Own ~NoShot~ Affordable Apparel, to make beautiful avatars more stunning for both Female and Males - see Picks ----->

Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/648075cc-655f-4938-a3c0-ef8ec61907bc