Mowri Panache

Resident Since: 2010-02-22 (14 years, 8 months ago)

[Mow-Ree Pn-Ash]
I'm just your average everyday virtual-world entrepreneur. When I'm not busy running my Second Life ventures like the Panache Emporium, Money Miners, and the Prim Pulse Radio station, you can find me exploring the Grid and having fun with friends. I seem to have a knack for spotting opportunities, but often run out of steam when I'm doing them on my own. I'm always up for a chat and happy to lend a helping hand to fellow residents, so don't hesitate to say hello and get to know me!

I'm going through a weird Cyberpunk / Bladerunner / Dystopian phase right now, but loving every moment of it. Currently working on a sci-fi / cyberpunk RP, combat and crafting system so thats usually what I'm up to when you see me online.
Don't worry though, I don't expect anyone else to dress cyber in order to hang out! I'm cool with you being whoever and whatever you want to be! Thats the beauty of this place. Feel like being an 8 foot tall Hot-Dog man today? A giant talking spider? An anthropomorphic bipedal dog? can do that. lol
I'm not here to judge or put anyone down. Show me your creativity and expression! :D
I love second life for the freedoms is gives us residents, to be whoever we want to be at any given moment.

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