Galadriel Lady of Lothlorien (0079galadriel)
Resident Since: 2017-12-16 (6 years, 11 months ago)
USS Galilee , w Commodore Firelight, Cmdr Galadriel Sci officer Tues 10:30am
USS Gateway w Cptn Seven, Sci officer, Sun 9am
USS Eleanor w Cptn Garrett, Lt. Cmd Galadriel, Cheif Medical Officer
Weds 11am
Cptn / owner A.F.S.S. U.S.S. Astraea, Star Cruiser
Shiritori Language Exchange, Cypris Japan II- Student , Fri
Daystar Adventist Outreach
USS Monarch w Cptn T'Sar , XO 2022 0515
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