ღ:Sugar π:ღ (sugarpie.froobert)

Resident Since: 2010-11-15 (14 years, 2 months ago)

If you need land by a company that cares about their customers, check out. Willowdale, Second Norway, and Luxory Estates. Please tell them I sent you.
[http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LUXORY/101/129/24 Vacant Lands For Second Norway Luxory and Willowdale Estates]

♦Demisexual. Caffeinated.
♦ Genuine. Smarcastic. Selectively social.
♦Unapologetic sapiosexual. Yes, I like brainssss.
♦Heterosexual and an ambivert.
♦She is both hellfire and holywater. What you taste depends on how you treat her.
♦Take the time to go shopping and put together a decent looking avi. Appearances matter

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Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/3350dd62-a89c-4700-93e8-046eedd21a3e