
Resident Since: 2016-01-31 (9 years, 1 month ago)

Arts 2D / 3D, Photo, Video, Musique, Poésie, Chorégraphie...
"Je suis Belle, ô Mortels, comme un Rêve de Pierre..."

* FB : Terra Merhyem (2 words)
* Flikr : https://www.flickr.com/photos/192279183@N07/albums
* My "Atelier" : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Terra%20Merhyem/144/124/3002

* French 2D / 3D artist, Photo, Machinima, Performances, Music, Choreographer, Curator... Leitmotiv in my life is “Beauty", that’s why the sentence in my profile is a verse of “The Beauty” (Baudelaire):
"I am beautiful, ô mortals, like a dream of (Dark)stone..."

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Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/307df413-78a6-469a-8b17-ce4ff2436704