Princess Moonlight (sunlightriver)

Resident Since: 2024-01-04 (1 year, 2 months ago)

Hi I'm moonlight or just call me Moon for short I'm a shy person so I don't talk has with the Microphone. I like talking in chat I love playing other game s as well watch YouTude. I like making new friends also hanging out with friends altrough. For lore about Moonlight's character, Moonlight was not born in equestria she was, born on a island with a pretty good sized town. Moonlight is the first born, she at night were shined it light her. making her mane change color. Moonlight had a little Sister named Sunrise, because was she born on sunrise. Sunrise is blinded, So how Moonlight became an alicorn was in the middle of the night, Moonlight hear voice call her name. Telling her to follow it, Moonlight Followed the voice outside of equestria's border, finding an area no pony since before. And that voice told Moonlight make somthing, She followed the instructions the voice said.Then a bright white glow started to appear, an explosion. Next when Moon;ight woke up she had wings, and her magic was different from her normal use to do. Moonlight tested out her new abilities, Moonlight's : abilities, Crystal Magic, Light Magic, and Portal Crystal Magic.

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