DarkSunrise (darksunrisehd)
Resident Since: 2022-09-17 (2 years, 4 months ago)
Bonjour, I am not french :)
Professional DJ IRL/Online, hit me up if you need a DJ for a party or something, always glad to help.
I fly frequently, If you need anything from me and im offline for a while you can contact me on Discord: darksunrisehd
>Sergeant First Class In the Israeli Defence Forces (Reservist after 2 years and 8 months of active duty).
Nicknames: Dark, Sunrise, Why are you in my house.
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight (Dont dm me for ERP unless if you want to partake in an unserious conversation).

Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/1acb685f-7384-4bf3-a374-eed7c9b0acf0