NeoVictoria Information Center II w Wyrmwood Faries!

Category: Arts & Culture
Region: Ross
Size: 1232 m 2

Mainland information center for The NeoVictoria Project; dark roleplay meets steampunk with a machinima twist! Visit for info or just relax and do some shopping. Sidhe, shades, dJinns, demons .. humans, werebeasts, dragons, vampires ... they all roleplay

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Items found here:

Price Description Location
) Alchemy Immortalis ( Pose Stand - [ right click and choose STAND to line up jewelry and clothes ]
9, 165, 52 Go Go
Machinima Rental Properties Picturebook Giver ar Ross - ~ Touch for a notecard of availablity & pricing. ~
35, 145, 51 Go Go
NeoLondon Times Archive at Ross ~ All Copies of the Paper - ~ Touch for wearable copies of the in-character newspaper! ~
6, 158, 53 Go Go
NeoLondon Times Kiosk at Ross ~ Current Edition - ~ Touch for a wearable copy of the in-character newspaper!~
40, 168, 50 Go Go
NeoVictoria Billboard in Ross - ~ Come play in a steampunk roleplay world~ !
36, 148, 58 Go Go
NeoVictoria Library Row of Books ~ Tales of the Empire Giver - ~ Touch for Tales of the Empire ~
6, 159, 53 Go Go
NeoVictoria Movie Monitor - ~Turn your media settings to ON and watch the free movie!~
1, 159, 58 Go Go
NeoVictoria OOC Info: Making Machinima - ~ Want to shoot in Machinima or see one of your roleplays turned into a movie? ~ ~
38, 170, 56 Go Go
NeoVIctoria OOC Panel: The NeoLondon SkyClub - ~ Our OOC Skyclub is Steampunk & Dark Cabaret. ~
11, 145, 53 Go Go
NeoVictoria Table Light w Live Soul (Gift from the STEAM6 Hunt) - Visit to learn about our roleplay storyworld & the NeoVictoria Project.
6, 160, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - Empty
1, 165, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Meadow Meadow_Fuchsia Fairy 5.0.0 1 - L$89
1, 151, 54 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Meadow Meadow_Sky Fairy 5.0.0 1 - L$69
1, 152, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - Empty
1, 153, 54 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Common Blue Fairy 5.0.0 7 - L$5
1, 147, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Meadow Meadow_Spring Fairy 5.0.0 - L$79
1, 152, 54 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Meadow Meadow_Buttercup Fairy 5.0.0 - L$39
1, 153, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Meadow Meadow_Teal Fairy 5.0.0 1 - L$89
1, 151, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Common Purple Fairy 5.0.0 7 2 - L$5
1, 146, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Common Red Fairy 5.0.0 5 2 - L$5
1, 146, 52 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Common Orange Fairy 5.0.0 4 - L$5
1, 145, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Uncommon Glitter_Orange Fairy 5.0.0 3 1 - L$30
1, 170, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Uncommon Glitter_Cyan Fairy 5.0.0 5 - L$30
1, 168, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Uncommon Glitter_Rose Fairy 5.0.0 6 - L$30
1, 171, 51 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Uncommon Glitter_Lime Fairy 5.0.0 18 - L$25
1, 170, 52 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Uncommon Glitter_Violet Fairy 5.0.0 15 - L$30
1, 171, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW Fairy Crystal 5.0.0 15 - L$49
1, 164, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Uncommon Glitter_Sky Fairy 5.0.0 8 - L$30
1, 171, 52 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Uncommon Glitter_Purple Fairy 5.0.0 4 1 - L$30
1, 169, 53 Go Go
Pan's Wyrmwood Faery Egg Vendor 1.2 (C) - WW_Egg Uncommon Glitter_Goldenrod Fairy 5.0.0 3 1 - L$30
1, 170, 51 Go Go
Wyrmwood Faires Here - ~ Buy all the fairy types here! ~
1, 168, 58 Go Go

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