Cloey Hynes (cloey.dawner)
Resident Since: 2008-04-20 (16 years, 10 months ago)
“Without accepting that we don’t control most things in life, we can never have lasting happiness. Getting concerned with things outside of our control is a habit.”
To those who hate. Jealousy & Bullying are unattractive. We...they...see you. is really sad that you are obsessed with him. You have dedicated your first life tab to my Man, and while you are jealous of his success, I am not jealous of your obsession. I hope your wife doesn't mind that you have put much more effort into talking about him in your profile than her..
When someone holds up a standard & tries to help you live up to it, that doesn't make them a bully. Shaming someone publically for their standards makes YOU the bully. Get it straight S & R.
If you complain about the market, yet sell traits less than 6 months old for 199L, then you are a hypocrite. If you are an auctioneer, undercutting the market, then you are irresponsible and a jerk. If you wonder why we don't attend your auction, do you allow marketcrashers? Are YOU a market crasher? There's your answer. If you don't care about the market, get out of it and don't destroy it foreveryone else.
I am Owned by Bull Hynes in every world. I have been His for over 15 years now, Please respect that His collar adorns my neck in both worlds and that i am here to serve Him in any way He desires If you see me out & about, know it is with His permission. Please contact Him w/any issues, or compliments.
My avatar is online nearly 24/7, and I am afk much of that. Please be patient with responses. If i don't respond right away, please either try again or send a notecard because I've been known to crash and lose all open IMs. Thank you for understanding. If I know you message, I will try to respond.
Here for Him, our family, my friends & my breedables.
If someone is mean to kind, it will drive them crazy.
If someone is will help them heal.
If someone is kind, it will teach them to soften.
If someone is don't have to be like them.
Kindness is never a mistake...even if you cannot forgive a past wrong, be kind.
The final word on this? Be Kind.

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