ღ Kanjis Delacroix ღ (hatimam)

Resident Since: 2016-08-17 (7 años, 11 meses ago)

Happily married with my most Beautiful and Sexy Luka
in open relations
... words fall silent, when two hearts found each other, then only feelings, emotions and souls speaks ...
[https://www.flickr.com/photos/183995902@N04/ My Flickr]
[secondlife:///app/teleport/Lotus%20Rose/65/68/54 My store ❤ Little Devil ❤]
[https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/200231 MP Store]
[http://my.powerstream.live:8994 My own radio]
Our projects - give look for my Classifieds
Owner Conan Exiles server (fuck, rape, own girls)

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