Beverly Montgomery

Resident Since: 2006-05-09 (17 years, 11 months ago)

Beverly Montgomery
11/24/55 - 4/25/23

Beverly Montgomery, mother to three children, passed away on April 25th. She had been ill and needed surgery in February and due to complications. Her health deteriorated over the following weeks. She kept high spirits through it all and her sense of humor. While we wish she could still be here to tell all the same stories to us again. We hope she is now telling them to those we, and she had lost. She is gone but that also means she is no longer in pain. Something she lived with daily.

Known for her giving heart, Beverly Montgomery will be dearly missed by all who knew her. Beverly Montgomery family asks that she be remembered for the joy she brought to others in life, Not the sadness of her passing.

In her early years mom loved activities. She spent years learning how to tap dance, Even going so far as to perform her final recital on roller skates painted gold, another pastime she loved. She was an avid roller skater and would get out and show off when she was younger at skate parties with her kids. She loved to sing and instilled a love of music into her kids. She was a homebody for much of her life though she did work for a time as a waitress at Friendlys; and would tell you all about it if you would listen. She always loved to see people having fun. She enjoyed being the place for people to come and hang out. Hosting parties for her kids, friends so she knew they were being safe even if they were being bad. She was happy to be the home away from home for everyone. She treated everyone as her family. Even taking in people that needed a place to crash if they were without a safe place for a while. She always had a fascination and love for computers and video games. Mastering many of the early nintendo games and ruining the chance for anyone else to get a higher score. Adventure and racing games always caught her attention. Donne had a love for the Zelda series and Ridge Racer stealing her attention for many years. And later in life she used that love to explore the internet and make many friends on several platforms including Facebook and Second life where she hosted events and helped new people join the community through the New citizens Incorporated Group. A place she loved and cherished. Every one in the NCI family was a member of her family. I would get weekly updates on all the things going on. All the Drama. New people, new gadgets and events. She was hard core about being home for her events. And worked hard to not miss them. Everyone here was important to her. And she loved to make people feel important. If it was remembering a Rez day or just showing off someone's pictures.

Let today not be a day of mourning. Not a day to be sad at what was lost or how she will be missed. Let today be a day of celebration of a woman that was everyone's mother. Everyone's friend. A vibrant point of light in a dull gray world. That tried to shine as brightly as she could no matter how dreary the day was. She will be missed. But she will be remembered.

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