
Resident Since: 2012-05-03 (12 years, 9 months ago)

Hmmm...what to put here??? Something witty? Philosophical?
Astronomical? Scientific? Well I guess that is enough to put here.
I am here to meet, have fun and basically see what SL has to offer.

" I'd be interested if you weren't so generic looking", this I was told by another av here in sl. IF this is true please let me know, don't want to be known as the "generic" av in SL.

* Extra and those that are looking know what it means.*

Profile Picture by: Whimsical Aristocrat, one of my very dear friends
Thank you so much for reading, not everyone does.

SORRY guys and other trans women, into WOMEN.
Also, not into being a bottom.

*Did I say? Extra and those that are looking know what it means.*


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