Paige Theseus

Resident Since: 2010-09-22 (13 years, 7 months ago)

Aspiring librarian. Small-claims court jester. Peripheral visionary. There is no "try me." There is only "do me."

When speaking badly about me, please exaggerate! Otherwise I may sound boring.

I rarely worry about what people think because people so rarely think. "Be the voice, not the echo." (Stolen from a profile. Yes, irony.)

I never fake my sarcasms..

Bad decisions make good stories.

Here's a nice idea for Display Names: đʘɳʽɫ ɷɌȋɬɚ ȋɬ Ļıƙɚ ɫɧıș, ıɬʽƨ fucking ǚȵɍɛąδąϐĻϧ.

Show me the candy BEFORE I get in the van. I'm not stupid!

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