Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr)
Resident Since: 2006-07-10 (18 années, 8 mois ago)
Feel the beat under your feat, the floor is on FIRE....What? It's not?
Are you sure?
For everything else, consider me
🍀 Owned
🍀 Partnered
🍀 Mated
...but not to the same person. (Read the picks if you're curious.) Also occasional dress/texture maker, forever wanderer, unfortunate shopping addict, and the Duchess of Gearhaven and Affinity Pact lands when they want to dust me off. Shrine maiden to [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z--0fYgHdds Belopa] in my down time. Hiya.
Intermittently absent by deliberate (medical) choice. Also, I acknowledge that [https://www.kqed.org/education/535779/land-back-the-indigenous-fight-to-reclaim-stolen-lands stolen I live on] [https://www.sherwoodoregon.gov/library/land Atfalati and Kalapuya lands], and virtually, on stolen [https://www.ramaytush.org/land-acknowledgement.html Ohlones] and [https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/07/14/miwok-homeland-site-in-nicasio-returned-to-tribe-after-150-years/ Coast Miwok] land.

Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/dff7b36a-7f65-4401-88ce-2cd3068d8b87