Tanja Jarvinen

Resident Since: 2008-07-30 (16 years, 1 month ago)

Lets save some time : Also see picks
- not to shabby
-I doing stuff and things... Mostly things..
- I am not from Finland, (you can win a pan if you can guess it in the first guess)
- It's from the time when you had to chose a last name
-Just here to explore.
- I am illiterate in several languages.
-Yes, I love shopping
-I try
-Uhhh dunno
-On my work laptop
-Yes I have
- No it's not laggy for me
- No I am not comming over to you
- No I don't want to go to an other place
- I have to check my INM stats to be sure we meet that way
- no I am not into women
- started as a Valkyrie but is now doing freelancing
On Pimfeed https://www.primfeed.com/tanja.jarvinen

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