
Resident Since: 2020-03-01 (4 years, 11 months ago)

[05:36] Tim: why are you always shaking around like a gay idiot, you ugly bird?
[05:36] Jack3Dirvel: Why you gotta be a Tim about it
[05:37] Tim: shut up you stupid wanker
[05:37] Jack3Dirvel: I was being quiet, you started it by being a Tim you shut up wanker
[05:38] Jack3Dirvel: and for god sakes button your pants
[05:39] Tim: haha jealous because you don't have any pants you primitive asshole?
[05:39] Jack3Dirvel: You have them and you arent buttoning them. who's the asshole Tim?
[05:39] Tim: (busy response): Dieser Einwohner hat den Empfang Ihrer Nachrichten blockiert.
[05:41] Jack3Dirvel: Bye Tim
[05:41] Tim: (busy response): Dieser Einwohner hat den Empfang Ihrer Nachrichten blockiert.

Don't be a Tim

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