5ilentMurderer Ɓadλzz™ Šwαnŝong (murdock.vuckovic)

Resident Since: 2007-04-06 (17 years, 9 months ago)

IG: 5ilentmurderer.sl

Djin at night now

1.Aint nothing new under the sun. 17 years of being in this realm im not new to anything yall swear yall different or original but carbon copies of the same mindset alot of you mfs my sons and daughters cause you too small in the mind frfr.
2. SL only second life is second for a reason like ricky bobby said if you aint first your last. if you roleplaying on here and cant detach rl from sl you dont understand this is a place for manifesting not trying to revolve your life around. your supposed to use this place to alter your perception and create your own reality im charging you jits for anymore game I give you.
3.Wake up get out your feelings and get in a bag word to the wise

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