
Resident Since: 2016-08-22 (7 years, 8 months ago)

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Owner & caretaker of facilities and groups in Moderate and Adult regions:
[Moderate] Guksu Field Airport in Guksu region of Jeogeot. Associated group: Guksu Port Authority.
[Adult] The Ranch Hand Motel and Camp Cale Army Base in Cale Valley / Cale Valley Upper regions of Zindra. (*1)
Associated group: Wayward Soldiers.
Generally a shy person. I like Role Play but most of my time in SL is spent working on things behind the scenes. (*2)
(*1) Be warned the lag in Zindra is horrendous. Crowds + "fully equipped" avatars do not mix well in SL. I'll just blame it on my neighbors.
(*2) Trust me I fully believe in kink but I don't have the time or interest for sex ALL the time. I'm happy to let others use my sims for that task.

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