Emmie THE BRAT Moonwall (emmie.highwater)
Resident Since: 2010-08-11 (14 years, 7 months ago)
there is no spoon, we're trapped in the matrix
IMs get capped, send notecard
I RP a 7 year old female child avi, and I am quite the brat
Princess in Nightshades Bloodlines Family-Dont worry, I only bite ankles
Princess & Vicerine in Tiny Empire's Kingdom of White Horse~King Tremor Trefoil
Daughter of Empress Selket Moonwall
Quote from angel:your never innocent your evil is just cleverly hidden :p
I raise Amaretto Horses)~Moderator for Breedable Bartering & Tr

Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/bda93bfe-9d20-4fa0-ae9e-fa9707feabe0