Hells X D'Archangel (hellsx)
Resident Since: 2013-05-18 (11 years, 9 months ago)
Male - 53 - Straight - not interested in guys running female avis either.
READ THE PROFILE - updated 2/21/25 - I am not the relationship type now. I am a bad friend!
This summarizes me me lately, lol - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZj5XmGeEko F.A.F.O.]
Also, be careful what you ask me. I just might answer and you might not be prepared for it.
Looking for: Friends and friends with benefits.
Not Looking for: monogamy - me being married RL means she shares me on here with others, so you would have to as well.
I like to talk on voice - I used to have a rule against it, now the rule is, can't use it for sex. I also use Discord now.
I like to know who I am dealing with. This includes but is not limited to:
Talking on voice at least once or twice - so I know that you are not someone I have dealt with in the past.
If this is a problem, pass me by.
No disrespect to you about the voice thing. I have my reasons as do you.
(Not sure why you hide who you are, people respect honesty)
We can be just friends without it, anything else, sorry.
I am often working or multi-tasking, I am also honestly the type where I won't IM you first if I don't know you.

Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/ae32c101-edf7-443e-8baa-020d73ecbf26