Kyan Ghost
Resident Since: 2010-04-17 (14 years, 10 months ago)
My name Kyan im a chill guy. Im not new so dont think im a noob ive probably been playing this game longer then you knew it exist. I know alot about this game and i just like to chill if you think your worthy of a spot on my friends list hit me up ill give you my test :) Jk but hit me up im always up for a conversation.
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Best bro | This is definitly my best friend truely been there for what like 6years now about that it went from madden to sl to all kinda crazy shit. This is my homieeee my brother my NIGGA! lol nah but foreal hes my bro and i love this dude and for all you fags that go straight to thinking Homo u can suck on my big cock. | More More |
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