Midnattsdotter Fride
Resident Since: 2007-02-09 (18 years, 1 month ago)
Searching for a home? Houses with sea or beach view and sky houses for rent in Legolas. Stable landowner - since Aug 2008 - ensuring stability and reliability.
You are very welcome to Fride Club & Lounge - founded 30 Sept 2007! Or enjoy LIVE music - open-air concerts once a month @ Fride LIVE!
Grand Vicereine of Queendom of Neotopia - join my line? IM me.
You can reach me with mail if I am not online: mid.fride@hotmail.com.
Friendships welcome. I am not looking for intimate relationships in SL or RL.

Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/7d429aa1-e1f5-4caf-9f69-085e280e155c