Resident Since: 2009-02-02 (16 years ago)
Obayifo are descendants and creations of the almighty Elder Gods Atum and Amunet; in which my family’s name ΔMΔṈI™ is derived.
I am the current Chief of the Obayifo QƆRƐ ΔMΔṈI™ “GƆƉKILLƐR” following in the footsteps of my Amenta creating Great Grand Father Atum, I too am a Demogorge destroying those who stand in the way of my Grand Mother & Father (MA’AT, and Djehuty) mission to fulfill our Elder GƆƉs wishes.
Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/75f244c3-7a5a-4ba8-bec1-e5469a505805