тнυηđєя (thunderwolf89)
Resident Since: 2011-07-13 (13 years, 6 months ago)
✖ Thunder
✖ Dominant
✖ Protective of what is mine and my family
✖ Give me RESPECT&HONESTY and you shall recieve it back
✖ Very laid back an calm till you step on my toes
✘ I DØ NØt Accǝpt RɐиdØɯ Friǝиdships
✘ is you got a prob with my freedom of speach fuck off
WARNING: all messages and local chat , notecards and whatever else i seem suited shall be logged and kept for my personal use
Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/75107d38-ed2c-4765-9dfd-69c9ba302915