Raven Rose Blood (melio.darkthief)
Resident Since: 2010-10-21 (14 years, 3 months ago)
Its Empress or Demoness Raven Rose Blood
i'm on SL to have fun and enjoy what i like.
I'm strickly domminant be it not like others I have MY own way of doing things, i know, its a surprise that im not the same as others in bdsm.
If you want my attention then talk to me, if you want my love then show me how much you want it.
I do not like large roleplay groups, to much posting to try and include everyone.
Dont sell me what i dont need
![profile image](https://picture-service.secondlife.com/d0469f11-6415-7a9f-f822-9439a35d2aaa/256x192.jpg)
Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/62422d70-d70a-4112-96d9-a9e4a53a7495