Drake Steele (drake.stone)
Resident Since: 2002-09-01 (22 years, 5 months ago)
I'm head of the Steele family, part of the Eternal Stargazers, A straight male gamer geek and artsy goofball who does voices and sings & more...
Proud Father, and Grandfather in SL. My family is everything! Thank you all: TeaJayy, Middy, Spazz & Cele, Vi, Casi, Vampira, RooDee, Crimson Giz, Lil, Starr, Patience, Kenz, and all the rest... Thanks for always being there ♥
Link to this page: https://world.secondlife.com/resident/3cffaec1-2fd1-41ae-e762-6d0c9c5fd820