MisPincheLoca (laetitia.earleno)
Resident Since: 2009-06-09 (15 years, 7 months ago)
MAS VAL3 S0LA QU3 MAL AC0MPANAdA M3 MANt3NG0 L0CA WhiiL3 iM SM0kiN MARijUANA SAY fUCk A biitCh CAUS3 th3Y All th3 SAM3 U kN0W i d0Nt PLAY N0 GAM3's PUt th3S3 h03's 2 ShAM3, MAS VAL3 S0LA QU3 MAL AC0MPANAdA M3 MANt3NG0 l0CA WhiiL3 iiM SM0kiiN MARiiJUANA iiM d3ALiiN bUSiiN3SS Liik3 A bR0WN S0LdAdA ANd Wh3N W3'RE3 0Ut D0iiN 0UR thiiNG biitCh U AiiNt D0iiN NAdA.....
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